May 15, 2010

About Mind and Life

I just, currently feeling uncomfort when I write this post. I often recall my past, and then worried about the future and everything. I hate the words “what if...”. Hah, apparently I’m already out of my mind. You know when I feel desperate, I often write it down, then I'll sit alone on my corner and cry sometimes, or just go to bed and try to sleep and wish it all over when I wake up. These days, I more realize that I must not behave like this, must change. Sometimes I feel tired of dreams, I’m tired of life. Yeah of course, nothing perfect, people say. Life supposed to be flowing like water, let it find it’s own way to flow, not forced to be like this or that. Because life is only once, and what a miserable if the one oportunity is full of stress and fear.

But the last day I know something reflecting fact that actually I’m not alone. In facebook, I ever added a hypnotherapist to become my friend. I didn’t acquainted with him, I just interest when I saw his ability in “reading” the mind of terorists. A unique talent, isn’t it? Yet it’s not a talent at all, it could be learned. And he’s not reading mind exactly, but he is a master concerning thing about psycology, mind, and I bet he is one of Indonesian best hypnoterapist, I see him so profesional. And the point is, he knows why people become happy and sad, or why some people are very confident and some other are mousy.

One day on his status, he invited people to follow his hearth therapy program , “ You must be very tired to keep your hidden problem, don’t you? Why it’s hard for you to change your bad nature, your bad fate?” it said on the first line advertisement. There, I thought wether actually averybody has a secrete hiden problem, like the advertisement said. If you ever watch remarkable movie ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’, at the begining scene on a crowded road Christ saw everyones faces, which looks so damn happy to him. And he wondering why couldn’t he looks like that. Now, I think Christ was wrong, because maybe behind those happy faces they actually save a heavy hidden problems for long period, who knows. I mean, I can’t imagine a life without problems. Allah said that the problems overburdened to us is appropriate with our ability to handle it. So what to worry?

On another facebook status, the hypnotherapist asked about how well we understand our mind. He explained that mind devided into several part, they are visual, logic, spatial, rhyme or tone, language, colour, habit, imagination, feel, drive (push): anger, fear, love, paradigm, intuition, belief system, self concept, self image, self esteem, and memory. The most important is ‘memory’ which located at neo cortex and mostly control our life next. Life experience, including everything happened in daily, what we see and what we hear, all are included into ‘memory’. And all that factors would affect to someone’s basic character, wether somebody is a confidence, a denial, a playboy, a matrialist, a safety player, an away from (dodge), a drunkard, a mousy, an achievement pursuer, a thinker, a detail, a creator, a people person, a system person, and many other kind of mind pattern. Totally, are exist 81 main pattern from 17 basic pattern. Well, I’m
quite curious what kind of meta mind profile do I have. What kind of person I am?

Knowing this pattern will let us know how the paradigm of an individu, a community, the step of a company, a terorist, the aim of a nation, and much more. And for sure we can change everything we want to change in our way of life by understanding that pattern. That’s what offered by the ‘hearth theraphy program’. From here, the theraphy program can help those who broken hearth, reveal somebody’s talent, sub modalities, intention, tendency, etc. Because perhaps actually many people want to change or solve ‘something’ lying beneath his hearth. I got all about this just from the hypnotherapist’s facebook status. Before, I never thought that in this world are exist such detail knowledge about mind and it’s real application. Wow, I really amazed. Now, I understand that my bad nature or characteristic that I really want to remove is affected especially by my past environment and my family. But I already grow up, I musn’t blaming anything.
Just moving forward even it’s hard.

So what is lying beneath my hearth? Need I share it here? I’m not that type of person. Sometimes I thought, how dare the destiny, other day I thought how lucky I am. Then, I only share my problem with God after pray sholat, only with God, really. These days my communication with Him not always run smooth, I’m being bad or something like that, I don’t know. Too much worldly thing in my brain, o my...But He always granted my prayer, almost all of my prayer, really. Thank’s God. Need a guide. Please stay beside me, always.