November 28, 2009
Amazing Energy Saving with Brown’s Gas
The term Brown's gas initially comes from an Australian named Yull Brown who dedicates his whole life to make Brown's gas commercially. Long before, Browns gas has observed by Nicola Tesla. Other researcher who observed is Stanley Meyer from US which got a patent on his method for the production of Oxygen - Hydrogen fuel gas in 1990. Firstly, Brown was inspired by Jules Verne's vision "There is fire in water". The basic principle, Browns gas is a non explosive of hydrogen and oxygen mixture that produced by water electrolysis process in a electrolyze tube which contain magnetic coiling to break the distillation water and baking soda mixture into a mixture of Hydrogen – Hydrogen - Oxygen (HHO) with very precise ratio of 2:1. Nevertheless this is 'still' not yet can be called a water fuel because the ready HHO gas must be flown into the hydrocarbon fuel space in order to mix the fuel and the Browns gas. This will extremely enhanced the fosil fuel burning energy. The electrolyze process it self will create a hydrogen explosion which boosted by fire flame from the busy. We can save more fuel from 30% until 90%.
The result is difference for variation of vehicle either motorcycle or car. Brief example, for Toyota Avanza 1 liter of fuel could reach 18km or save 40%, for Mitsubishi L300 1 liter of fuel could reach approximately 23,3 km or save about 90%. It’s remarkably thrift.
This incredible invention actually could be made by everybody in home since the equipment needed is simple. The manual books also available in the store and internet. Nowadays, there are several people in Indonesia who already practice and use Browns gas in their daily. Most of them share their experienced in the forum discussion and said that this kit works really well on their ride. The effect using Browns gas relative positive, the machine stay long lasting, smooth machine sound, and definitely clean residual gas. That's what make this kit environmentally friendly also contribute to global warming maintenance, moreover we know that the main factor of air pollutions come from vehicle gas emissions. The other impacts of using Browns gas are, mechanically sound design that will withstand daily use of the vehicle. As what I’ve said before it’s an increased gas mileage and money savings and also Very inexpensive and easy for a beginner. Produce the maximum amount of HHO or sometime called as oxyhydrogen or "Brown's gas". The Browns gas work with 99% of new and used vehicles on the market today whether it use fuel/carb injection, petrol, gas, or hybrids. It has been successfully proven can be used on vehicles around the world using petrol, diesel, or gasoline with faster vehicle acceleration and stronger torque or engine power. One of the unique is, it could works in freezing temperatures. It also able to eliminates engine "nock" or "ping". The important thing is it doesn’t damage the vehicle warranty. One of the practice is it can be removed or installed in minutes from our car's engine compartment. It will eliminate carbon deposits from unused fuel, the system can be build and distribute the kits for personal use or profit.
Comparing with different kind of energy, Browns gas could be considered as simpler since it do not need any abstraction like subsurface energy; self made (with manual); cheap (besides the kit we only need water & baking soda); cleaner and the most important this method has proved and adviced by many side especially by saving energy i. In abroad Browns gas largely produced by B.E.S.T Korea and B.E.S.T Norinco, China. In the future researchers plan to make it possible for Browns gas use not only for vehicle but also for more complicated machine such as injection machine, farming machine and miscellaneous industrial machine. It really possible to produces in Indonesia too, if we have a will and intention.
But it's too bad, the publication of Browns gas is very lack in Indonesia. Maybe the problem is, our people not really confident & disbelieve of the successfulness of such new technology or reluctant to taste something new. That negative thinking must be erased from our brain if we want to moving forward fast. At least we try, it's better than doing nothing. The government role is important here to let the whole public know about this invention by giving such elucidation from those who expert, of course governments need to support the development of this saving energy method. Imagine if the Browns gas is well developed in our public society. There will no more moaning about the expensive gasoline & solar, no more demonstration to force the government to reduce the oil price or increasing the subsidy. So the subsidy could be allocated to other field like education or better public serving. Public of Indonesia will gain prosperous, stop suffering from poverty and starvation. It’s no longer a dream.
In every discreet goal, there's always a sacrifice. The quintillion dollar value oil industry will undergo very big negative impact as Browns gas developed, although fossil fuel still needed to run the system perfectly. But, probably someday the invention raise toward the magic pure water fuel. Oil & gas will be neglected. Some people indicate this is the reason of the death of some alternative energy discoverer. If this work well, some people will disappointed, yet million other will thankful a lot. Actually this will be a challenge to oil industry to stay exist creatively even the situation's totally different, for example find other advantages of oil which can’t be substitute by other energy resource. Because nothing impossible. We must support everything which good for this country’s prosperity. Remember the elementary school lesson, the group importance is first, the personal importance is last. Be wise.
October 17, 2009
Just a Classic Problem
I won't critics anything here, just pouring my heart out maybe, about a very classic problem. Money.
The Oprah's guest star that seri namely Suze Oman, a financial consultant & writer. She explained many about strategy in investation, money saving, how to solve home financial problem & how to make us feel whealthy (is it important??). She also give real solution to a mother who had broken her family financial up to 50% bankcrupty & has no enough to college her son. Then, why I feet the same matter? Hmm... Fortunately
nowadays, USA has special financial help programs that are the student loan, parent loan & parent loan plus. That such a great help!
In Britain, almost persist which government provide student dept for those who qualifide, that can be returned later when we already get a proper job.
I totally have a willing to understand fact that Indonesia can't be compared to such giant countries. How many million more year 'till I'd given such huge fee help. No matter how often SBY told about our economic increase these year, at least for me, Indonesia's still badly poor. Low salary standart for civilan worker impressing that goverment really unapreciate civilan worker -esp teacher- competency. I swear I could feel it, goverment likely consider them as not important part. What a hurt...
Even nowadays certification program dropping a new hope for doubling teacher salary whose pass the requirement. But again, the difficult & complicated birocration seems playing around that new hope. My mother's certification support hasn't payed yet, although it's been 10 month late. I said to my father,
" Indonesia haven't enough money to inflate the salary, not that easy for a country to earn more & fullfill all the people willingness". And he countered, " this country has so much be corrupted, by those who actually have already reach".
August 29, 2009
Bus Dynamics
That's what stuck in my head everytime I'm on my ride back home, by bus of course.
I enjoyed to learn "the real indonesia's citizenry potrait" on the bus.
As long as I see, I'm the only one of my class who go home weekly by that kinda public transportation, everyone's ride their motorcycle home on weekend.
There's time it made me feel so unlucky & jealous. But I knew if we think positive actually all that scene has other atracting point of view to look at. The diversity.
In my opinion,
big part of bus passenger is in medium-low economically which varies from employee, labour, student, traditional market seller, and just traveller who wanna visit someone. Those face generally looked 'poorer' than people outside the window who ride their motorcycle & car.
Other time my eyes touched looking too many of dirty-slovenly street childs along the road begging for a cent, sometime they just in while the bus stop on red lamp & start singing a moment with no instrument, just clapping their hand. Their inncocent voice heard so pity. It's weird to see they're quite happy. Maybe they think it's a game, or maybe they don't ever know other world besides street life. Hmm...
That hot-smelly-nasty city & intercity bus always succeed to made my head dizzy & spinning around. Another weird, it can be cured everytime I heard the singing beggar plays their guitar or drum. The singing beggar's not that bad mucician as what most people guess. They play it nicely, sing honestly, create a song creatively & uniqely 'bout their real hard life. Sometime I just vivify their own song. I bet they got some singing beggar training before due to their sistematic way & sentence to say hello to us. Uneducated made most of them behave out of the path, I'm understand that. I mean, I saw the woman smoking, the man tattooing, and many of them not fasting in ramadhan. The nature build their behaviour like that. What can we do?
Another sadness is to see the bus retaillers sell their candy or book, and nobody buys it.
Ow, that face so pity & tired. Why they just don't search another better job? huft.
Then about the bus crew. The competitiveness. Every bus try to pass & not to be passed by other bus. The eye ability to spy the bus ahead & behind, also the driving skill, is the main key. They often break the traffic rule & drive like racing on circuit!
'O my god, o my god, o my god, watch your step please!!', I said on my hearth sometime.
August 19, 2009
August of Independent
It's different compared to my school mate which always come & go, or sometimes being forgotten (sorry!).
Last couple days we held so many contest, as usual, to celebrate our nation 17th august independent day, Many of funny, silly & foolish contest were held for every grade from children to mothers & fathers. Some are just so common like cooking, some sports, 'menek jambe' and much others, yet it's not that important to think that way, it's throughtout about laugh & cheerness. All the dumb. Just feel the once a year hullaballoo situation.
Lucky me, many of my buddies stucked & 'trapped' in Jogja so they can't joining the throng in their own far away home. August in the dormitory? What's the essence about that?
One day I got very sick that stop me stepped to the contest field, I badly contaged influenza virus from my brother & father. Hmm, is this what they call 'together in pain'? Aarrgh!
Quite realize it was real flu epidemic. It seems everyone's sick including half of my family. God!
yesterday was the formidable 17th august! It's is our beloved nation's independent day! What a day! I always love august. I realize from tens to hundreds year ago thousands of brave soldier forced to sacrifice their precious red blood to reach Indonesia's Freedom! Perhaps they had a wife, childrens & family whom they left behind. Can't imagine how sad it was. Dear, they die for the nation, for justice, for a better life! my God.. Then what I'm doing now? What can I do anyway..
My Indonesia,
I just wanna wish you the best. I do really really love you so much, muah muah..! If only I could I will do anything for you, I will. Thank's a bunch for being my motherland, my heaven to live, my place to grow up, thank you. I hope in your every single bone, you'll get better, keep fighting & keep being an amazing country. I see you can do it, I see.
I just love to eat your food, I'm glad to hear your national songs, I'm happy to know your nice people.
Yes you have already gave me a lot of nice things, but I haven't do anything..feels so ashamed.
Anyway, for INDONESIA,
Happy 64th anniversary,
You are everything for us!
August 12, 2009
Decrease of Faith
I still remember, here's the point of the speech:
As we know, Santren's very wellknown of it's ulamas, of all time. I think it should be preserved. But, teenager today has only a little attractive of learning islam. If we held a islamic gathering, the attendance just a few.
In my angle, one cause the decrease is the common hightech lifestyle of teenagers. It wasn't full of modern gadget yet in era of our grandpas so that they're 'free' of it's bad affection. But not us. Sometime when we hear adzan we still watching tv; we often online but seldom read Quran; we're familiar with pop songs but not Allah's verse. That's the bad deal of techno zone.
Basic of technology is science, and actually Islam's very encourage & pro to the science it self. About 104 times Allah spell 'knowledge' in Quran. One of them is in Al-Mujadalah: 11, with the translation:
"..and Allah will enhance people who faithfull among of you and people who has knowledge for several degree".
That's prooven that Islam so appreciate knowledge, and that lead to born many of moslem scientist with formidable influence internationally. Such as Al Khawarismi. The founding concept of Aljabar & Algoritma. The word Aljabar's taken from his book "Aljabr wal Muqobbala" means "Description & Solution". About algoritma, today used in informatics eng, for computer programming. The next scientist is Ibnu Sina, best known as Aviccena in west. He's amazing in medical research. Then, Ibnu Firnas. Perhap he's the first man ever fly, he's done his flight experiment long ago, thousand years long before Wright brother's did their. And there're other scientist like Albiruni, Alfarabi, Imam Al Ghazali, etc.
See, Islam's not that stupid actually.
Nevertheless, we must not affected to the bad influence of hightech lifestyle. Religion & worldly must balance n equal.
So, whatever our position is. Whether we're no longer schooling, we already get a job, or even marry. Don't ever forget to stay learning Islam deeper. Read the Hadits, Al Quran & the translation...I guess this so crucial, many people read Quran without the translation even they don't understand Arabic, so how could we know what Allah like to say??
We got to pay attention on something like this... to enrich our faith to ALLAH SWT.
July 30, 2009
Most Important Language
So, what's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on?
The category likeky fall into "most important" & "most used" language. For the last one, of course it'll very relate to the dweller amount of certain language speaking countries that means the more inhabitant the higher rank. In this case even English beated by Chinese with 3 billion speaker widely spread over continens. The 2nd chart sure placed by English.
Well, I think it isn't interesting to look at that point of view. So let's check it with "most important" approach. According to some sources, English will still lead the way as an international language even 'till 2025, or more. Majority say that the 2nd place would taken by Mandarin due to the rapid economic growth & remarkable population. Then, for the next 3, I'm sure there's no absolute answer. Almost all assumtion range between Spanish, French, & Japanese. Some also mull about Germany, Arabic, Hindi and several other.
To choose which is suit us. Let see remark of main assumption. Out there, are exist approximately 21 Spanish speaking countries. Tens of them are in Europe and other in North America (Mexico, Peru), Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador), and more. Spanish just like 2nd language in USA. If you understand Spanish, just try out Latin & Italian, because it so similiar. Learn it not as difficult as other, we just read the words as what we see, don't need certain technique or accent like French, Mandarin, & the weird Russian.
But we also have to consider French, the softes & romantic language, also tourism language.What Napoleon did made French being the official language in about 30 countries encompassing Europe, Africa and America. For example Switzerland, Belgium & Canada. French native speaker called francophonie. Perhap the difficult thing 'bout French is to adapt our tongue to form the accent.
Ok. The next is Japanese. Many opinion write that perhap Japanese is the most atracting & curious to learn. Individual passion. Hmm, influenced by manga & RPG game maybe? :-)
Overall 130 million people speak japanese and the leading technology Japan is the one and only country that speaks Japanese.
Well yeah, it's so sick to know that I'm only fluent in Bahasa Indonesia.. and Javanese. Hiks.
:: cry out lout ::
July 27, 2009
Beat The Depth!
I'm not that attracted to both, howefer from the articles I realize & conclude something, that be able to swim is a must! Fact that an accident sometime occure in offshore oil rig that could requires us to jump or not to jump to the deep-dark-cold sea. The Piper Alpha accident already proove it with 167 people die, I saw on TV. And that issue become the worst offshore accident & biggest attack to Britis oil industry that period.
I know other several smaller cases. And be able to swim defenetely much help. It doesn't means that I'll work at that kinda industry anyway, it's just.. not that easy, moreover in...offshore??
Sure I don't hoping something terribble to be happen, it just kinda my prevention action, better prepare your umbrella before it's raining, right?
So that's the background.. which apparently not strong enough to keep my body slides freely on the water. After long time no contact with pool, yesterday I dismissed my boredom by practicing swim with my brothers.
Well, I just curious, how to make my body moving on water.
Why it so difficult to stay floating and breathing?
I should have learn it since I was a child. That's the point. I didn't though that it'll be critical by now. Come on!
Hmm, Water...the fourth holy element after earth, air and fire, it has a strong power to cure... Ups! What a Dan Brown influence!
Basically I've never exactly learn to swim. But able to swim make us either looks cool or healthy, isn't it?
Somebody just teach me how to do that sucks!
It's okay if the water surface is under my nose, unfortunately the situation is totally different start from 2 m depht or deeper. So scary, I can't imagine If I swim 'till the center of pool, then I lost my breath and my energy is used up to keep me floating. Once more, horrible! I've to beat my paranoia first I think before I could go any further.
Meanwhile, dealing with the nature is what geologist do. Nature keep numerous incredible lake, swamp, river, lagune, beach and ocean. So what will it be if I can't swim? feels uncomplete 'coz a puzzle's lost. Hoho, one of my stupidnes. Next day probably I'll try it out again, perhaps better luck next time!!
July 20, 2009
An old song actually. It remark about a process to reach a dream really start from the bottom. Anyway I bluetooth this song to mine somewhere in Patuk during the rest of mapping.
We were tired and trying to sleep a minute in a mosque.
It's kinda fun, I just deeply heard the song, carefully listen to every sentence and sudendly my mind disolved into the words mixture. I stare out of my window, dreaming of what could be, and imaging if it end up happy, yeah that just alike the lyric. That's the point, I love the spirit-pomping lyric wich I want it to be my real self reflection.
The song always succed to make me musing a while thinking that What I've doing is not enough yet and I MUST NOT give up no matter how depressing my situation is.
Alright, check the lyric out:
Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out of my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I will pray
Wanna to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray
I could breakaway
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it take till I touch the sky
I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane
Far away, and breakaway
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it take till I touch the sky
I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Building with a hundred floors (exxon?chevron? Hihi..)
Swinging 'round revolving door
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from.
July 16, 2009
Behind the Scene : Geologic Mapping
Professionaly geologic mapping is a highly interpretives scientific process that produce geologic mapwith certain simbols and colour, used for overwhelming geoscience work such as coal mining;characterizing oil and gas source;predicting earthquacke, vulcanoand lindslide hazard; and much more.And the mapping I did quite good exercise to reachthat level. My geomorphologic and structural geologic mapping united as one and my group located in Patuk, Gunung Kidul, it's about One hour from UGM. We're devides into 1 groups. Important note that your mapping could be heaven or hell extremely depends on Who's your group mate.Some show their frustating bad attitude that made others mad, stress, or cry.Sounds dramatic? That's what surely happend.Luckyly mine's "heaven".
Honestly after several time field survey finnaly I got the field taste, strangely I felt comfort, it's like pretend to be real geologist exploring the field browsing for either outcrops or geologic structure without being bothered by procedures and ruleslike in official fieldtrip. We're lonely, free, wild and ready to reveal the nature's secrets! Haha. There splashing feeling to come back again and again nevertheless the fields incredibly hot, or sometimes raining hard without bring any raincoat! A geologic spirit guess so, I don't know where it from.
Every field visiting cost about Rp. 15.000 for consumtion and gasoline charge. In order to collect the data we must observed to Patuk EVERY spare time we had that means I couldn't back home (for 2 month!) easily like I used to, that's the annoying part of mapping probably. I didn't even electing for legislative candidate due to our first mapping! What a trully bad politic awarness(Ups!).
We ride our motorcycle slowly, moving arround our eyesto found someting like fault, joint, bedding then measured the dip-strike.
It's knda funny interacting with local dweller in our 3 x 4 km lot since they're remarkably polite. Those traditional old people used to say hi and asked us to take a sit or drank for a while in their simple house even we're strangers. My rich non javanese group mates wondering and pleased to saw that kinda attitude. Well, it is Javanese.
If we done with the fiel, after 3 months, the next chalenge is making the mapping poster in full computerize format, but none of us masters corel draw. That's a hell. Every groups confused, frusstate, and stressed of how to make the right poster, we're newbie right? To accomplish the poster we forced to work hard, we went home very late until about 2 am everyday an a week!!Even, could sleep for 2 hours felt like a big gift from God. It is Geology. Everyone's tired, some cry. All curious about the mapping presentation, the next step after create poster. Some say it's the time to beat us withsuch difficult questions concerning our poster. Well, I guess it's true, becauze my group was horribly beated with no mercy.
It's fine, the point is about exercise our self for KL next year...
July 14, 2009
A Heartbreaking Review
time apologize to family, nature and Allah of my shelfishness, lazyness and stupidness. Whether they hear me or not I don't know.
I wish I could memorize all the knowledge I got forever. Eight lessons on my list colouring my days last semester. I love several of them. They're petrology, geomorfology, structural geology, environment science, physycal chemistry, macropaleontology, mathematic 2, and physic 2.
Well, let's begin from petrology, the next step of crystallography & mineralogy. Encompass about rocks (petro) and it's occurence, whether igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. We're rock eater!
Understanding kinds of rocks really important, can be applied in many technical geoscience work. I'm trully bad in this case. I mean, what's rock about rock? Dirty hard thing from the ground..?just kidding. Better atracting crystal mineral than rock. Nevertheless I quite into carbonate rock, whose fosil on it. Economycally better. The lecture? I don't wanna talk about it.
Geomorphology. I learn geomorphology with spirit & eye-popping, seeing the lecture is so impressing, profesional and easy understanding. A doctor from university in Brunay. Geomorf concern on the earth relief & it's occurence, wich caused by exogenic & endogenic force. Earth's so shapely. Before, all I know the earth landform's just mountain and sea. Listen, have you ever heard about cuesta, bajada, butte and submarine fan? There are hundreds of other uniquely shaped earth morphology we'll know when studying this eyecatcing subject.
Structural geology. Learning 'bout earth structure & the developer force. This the most chalenging, imaginating and coolest lesson in 2nd semt packet. Geostruct asissts must be very smart. Everybody know it. Mr. Darno, the lecture, is my favourite lecture ever. He teach patiently, make sure everyone get what he say, although not all pay attention. I see in his eye a light of cleverness and high dedication. Hi's no doubt a good role model. I'm not that good in geostruct yet at least I love it a bunch. It focus on studying joint, fault, fold and unconformity. I used to hate them but not now.
Environmental science. Every work must pay attention on environmental affect. Quite important for such engineering student. During the class the situation not better than in the traditional market, yes, Mr. Wawan is tipycal 'not dangengeous' lecture. It's fine, his Japan education background could a little cover that susceptibility.
Physical chemistry (PC). Lesson about matery in solid, liquid, gas and the mixturing process between them. I'm not sure what exactly it about. After 6 month presence, I know NOTHING 'bout Physical Chemistry. I mean, really nothing, due to the super weird lecture. We didn't even got every sentence he said and even what's the topic of the day.
Macropaleontology. Dealling with thousands year death macroscopic creatures, this a jumping point to the next stage micropaleontology wich more economycally benefitable. All invertebrate fosil to be described here each week. The most disiplin lecture Mr. Kandar handle this subject and succeed to made me woke up earlier.
Mathemathic 2. Fascinating hyperactive lecture Mrs. Hanung didn't help anything easier, instead, it seems like watcing circus show in class. It's main topyc is indefinite integral. A hopeless subject.
Physics 2. I found it more complicated than 1st semester since it talk about electricity and capasitor, also magnet. Unfortunately, exact sciene today never as easy as what it was in senior high. Our head already fully loaded with stones!
Well, that's it. This busiest semester is over miserably messed up. Too much spoiling around and lack of hard working getting everything worse. If only I could turn back time....
July 10, 2009
Not So Famous
When I'm on my way back home by city bus number 7, close to Condong Catur intersecti I saw a big billboard figured KCB movies full complete with all the stars also a sentence below that point out that KCB is a soul inspiring and very long waited by million fan in 8 country around the globe!!
Well hey are you kidding me? Sounds so atracting. I never wathcing tv's gossips that days so I have no idea what media and public say 'bout this religious flavour movie.
Then I download the ebook of KCB and start reading it... A quarter already done and I try to find an interesting side of it. The whole novel already read and instead of amazed or somethin', I feel dissapointed & did a useless actìvity.
Let me discuss it, the novel story is so common, standart, hiperbole, easy predicted, the tragedy not strong enough to make me cry, the happy side not affect anything on my feeling, every conversation and dialog not too much worth for increasing knowledge. The only good thing is the dakwah slipped within it.
I hate the way Habiburrahman figure
the main character wich is always to much perfect like almost all religious movies describe it main player. Let say, the woman is very beautiful & loved by so many guy, tall, very smart -graduate from abroad university- kind, religious. The boy is very handsome, smart-graduate from abroad university-, kind, patien, religious. So what's the chalenging 'bout that? I mean what fun with that? Rather old fashion, isn't it?
I don't get how Habiburrahman comes to be so famous of his works. Ok, the previous novel AAC maybe strong enough, but not this one I guess. Why the producer too confidence to hiperboled campaigning and roaring that this movie will highly explode shocking entertainment realm as what the previous AAC did? if the fact is not? I see the selling not much fabulous.
KCB is there because of the religious movie trend that so highlighted these days in Indonesia. It's only trying to follow the succeed movies previously, so the quality of it be questioned and doubted.
July 06, 2009
Library in My Mobile
I find that there available more atractive, qulified read written in english served by wattpad. But less in indonesian. It's okay. My ability in focusing my brain scanning english is still little bit low but I can consider it as an expererience in read. Sure it'll usefull.
So far I've just read Da Vinci Code, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih and Angel and Demon. All are in Indonesian language. Little bit forced, i also read Alice in Wonderland and Twilight english version, though I haven't finish the last one yet.
These kind of free mobile ebook of course is a wonderfull thing waited by bookworms around the globe especially for such a poor country.
Like me too. I mean, well I want to buy books if they only cost cheap, perhaps Rp.3000 per book for example book of novel, self help book or else. Ok you can tell that i'm dreaming. But the government should give more subsidy for this matter so that a qualified cheap book could be reached by every people in this beautiful country.
It seems that the goverment can't do it, so thank you for the development of IT of the invention of either ebook and reader.
It so helpfull in overcome this kind of problem in diffrent way and point of view but still efective.
But whatever it be, actually conventional book will dificult to be replaced by such methode I guess. For example in ebook we often find the absence of picture or other ornementation usually we find in the book's page, we can say it refer to the art value of the book, whether from the cover, the type of paper used, the design, the ornamentation like I've mentioned above and so on, how could technology subtitute it?
It won't, I bet. But I worry about live in hightech environment somehow can erase our respect in value and culture. We don't give any damn anymore.
So yeah, that's my words 'bout ebook. So happy to read everytime I feel the right time, in the way I go to campuz, during waiting for my food order and many more. At last I've to be honest besides all the good thing this could turn you into a lazy person.
February 14, 2009
They were My ClassMate
Humph, it's been so loong to see them, nice friends.
Comunicate by friendster or what won't satisfied us in fact, so friends reunion is the best answer in that short 2 weeks free day. Yeah, eventhough once again not everyone is there.
It all remain me of my incredible class. As the smartest science class ever of my schoowide, weird to know that everyday is just fullfilled with joking n gaging all the time, getting our teachers angry, making problem n chaos around the school, ridiculous.
I bet never in history record our class in a silence even a minute since it fully loaded by my pals, who won't ever can shut their mouth up. So crowded, hullaballoon. But hey it's cool aniway. it's a high school, remember?
Hmm do likes those crazy people..... The hero of our "never got stress" mind. Every sentences they throw freshing our brain.haha..
I found it's hard to find that kinda rare odd people in here, UGM, hehehe..
When will I meet all of them again? Once a semester seems long enough time..
But OK, ex-XII@2 SMANCA, see you then,,
February 08, 2009
Online life
They're either famous or has many benefit to pick, also quite interesting with easy to understand words barier.
Friendster & facebook
No doubt, both site are almost be the number 1 here I heard. But today not many the buddy of mine using facebook, my account there still messed up, with nothing inside it..haha
This one has received an award, as they're so professional knowing what people in the whole world should do to be fluent in english. With light-weighing material & attractive lesson, learner in entire world do love it, including me. :-)
His blog titled Dongeng Geologi. He serve all the geoscience & other article in such humorous also unique way, like a taling style. A
must read for geoscience student!
A-strong legs & brilliant brain- girl. She tell her experience exploring many country since she become a geologist on that weblog. I loves the way she write, too deep.
Of course i've to go in it log in to my blog account, right??
:-) &
Both are just download site I use to grab good app or game or what on my mobile.
Ouw, little bit confuse what's more to write... Enough for this topic, coz my stomatch's calling for breakfast.. I'm coming..
February 07, 2009
The Death of My OM
Beberapa hari ini opera mini (OM) ku rusak & akibatnya ya, aktifitas n hobiku di dunia maya tiap hari jadi gak jelas. Kalo pake native browser kan muahal....
Aduh!! Mulanya gini, jam 12 malam pas aku mw buka OM, bukannya loading tapi malah installing. Kata forum ini sering terjadi di HP SE disebabkan pas mw exit pada pake shortCut dgn meng-killing pake back button, harusnya pake menu-exit.
Yeah, aku sering bgt gitu.
Makanya hal ini emang sering terjadi di HPq, tapi ini yg paling parah! Biasanya tinggal dihapus trus redownload. Sekarang ternyata gagal.
Trus aq pinjem HPnya masq buat liat forum. Di situ disarankan suruh menghapus OM yg eror, lalu shut mobile down, rest the sim, boot again, trus redownload..... Itu Udah q lakuin n hasilnya?? Tambah Erorr!! Arrrggh!
Sekarang bahkan installing saja gak bisa. Eror promptnya : 'verification of server certificate failed. Check the date setting on your device'....
Padahal ya, sueerr, date&time di HPq udah bener, udah GMT+7 juga. Pas tak gnti London time (?) jg gak bisa..
Lagian maksudnya 'verification of server certificate failed'
itu apa sih? Sertifikat yg di internet security itu? Kan udah bawaan dr sononya, mw diapain?? <bingung aq>
Aq udah kirim bug report si tapi gak yakin bakal ditanggapi.
Somebody help mee dongg!!
January 30, 2009
Ok. Sekarang aku sudah menjalani hariku dengan memelototi mineral-mineral sampai mata merah di jurusan geologi. Dan masih banggakah aku? Tentu saja. Tiap hari kami membicarakan tambang & mempelajari energi, keren kan? Gimana ngga bangga?! Mungkin orang luar Jawa familiar dengan profesi geologist, namun seumur2 ngga ada orang di desaku jadi geologist, yeah, beginilah anak desa. Warga desaku kebanyakan jadi tukang kayu atau PNS. Karena itulah aku suka, aku suka menjadi berbeda.
Bukan hanya itu kesusahannya. Geologi itu terkenal keras, kita harus kuat fisik & mental. Ospek disini sampai 1 semester dan lebih "joss" dari pada ospek teknik saja. Merangkak, berlari, push up, sit up, telentang menentang mentari, bernyanyi, dimaki...dan banyak lagi..huff Asyik kan..hwehei..
Ada suatu fenomena, BEM UGM pasti terdiri dari mahasiswa dari berbagai jurusan. Prosentase yg paling sedikit yg ikut BEM tiap tahun pastilah dari geologi. Walau tadinya banyak yg daftar tapi akhirnya memilih mundur karna dihadang gunung-gunung tugas, paper, laporan yg selalu menunggu kami tiap hari. Bahkan akhir pekan juga dipakai mengerjakan semua itu......(to be continued)
Tentang Impian
Mimpi.... Impian besar selalu menantang dan menakutkan, selalu membayangi tiap malam dengan siluet-siluet gelap berbentuk kecemasan dan kegelisahan akan kegagalan. Terkadang aku bertanya, will this gonna work?how if it won't?
Memang setiap manusia harus berusaha dan berjuang. Berjuang dengan keras layaknya pasukan jepang yang coba bertahan saat mempertahankan Iwo Jima, namun terenggut juga... Mereka kalah & mati.
Aku tak akan kalah dan mati seperti mereka.
That's why i'm supposed to be the soldier, the soldier of a frontline life battle. Kutulis begitu dalam shutout friendsterku, karena memang itulah yang ingin kuteriakkan.
Dalam hal ini maksudku adalah, yang harus dilalui pertama, berjuang dengan kuliah yang tidak mudah, huf.. Sebenarnya sudah 3 bulan kuliah dijalani. Berat rasanya. Tapi ini belum seberapa karna tebing terjal yang harus dilewati itu ada di semester 2 keatas. Dimana terdapat banyak fieldtrip (and I hate it) dan kuliah makin pusing. Begitulah geologi. Ada banyak yang ingin aku ceritakan tentang jurusanku yang urakan tapi membanggakan itu. Tapi next posting.
Yang jelas aku percaya bahwa semua kan baik-baik saja...amien.
Where's My "Ramadhan"??
Hilang sudah suasana bulan puasa di Santren,,, yang tiap pagi ada orang bangunin sahur, tiap sore masjid nyetel radio islami keras banget, tiap malem terdengar alunan orang desa mengaji di masjid, atau panggilan utk regu gugah-gugah sahur, regu piket, dan jatah godog wedang yg disiarkan tiap habis tarawih..lalu jalan-jalan sehabis subuhan,,well..aku suka suasana itu,, hemmf.
Juga saat bersama teman-teman berangkat tarawih, ngobrol di masjid dan dimarahi Bu Kusni.... tapi sekarang semua itu terasa sangat jauh adanya di galaksi lain.. dan aku terasing sendiri di planet asing..
Bapakku sering membariskan teh di baki pas buka. Kadang di dekatnya ada kolak atau es buah.. lalu ada makanan yg biasanya sederhana. Semua ditaruh di depan TV.. kami makan bersama..enaak.. Saat sahur kami makan dengan mata berdaya 3 watt, dengan lauk yang lebih berbobot..sambil nonton lawak yg ngga' lucu..terus berangkat ke masjid atau kadang tidur.
Bukannya puasa di kos tidak asyik. Tapi feelnya jelas beda..di desa lebih terasa islami. Dan setiap suasana islami pasti mendamaikan, dan menyenangkan hati. Sedangkan di kos semua hanya fokus ke kuliah, dengan tetangga juga tidak kenal, kayak bukan ramadhan deh.. Biasa banget..
Bukannya aku tipe orang yg gampang kangen rumah, tapi memang 'home is where the heart is'..benar kan?? Huff....