August 12, 2009

Decrease of Faith

Last week was my turn to give some religious speech (KulTum) in our village's monthly youth meeting. Our village namely Santren, means 'santri', that's why we involved religious side in every activity.
I still remember, here's the point of the speech:

As we know, Santren's very wellknown of it's ulamas, of all time. I think it should be preserved. But, teenager today has only a little attractive of learning islam. If we held a islamic gathering, the attendance just a few.

In my angle, one cause the decrease is the common hightech lifestyle of teenagers. It wasn't full of modern gadget yet in era of our grandpas so that they're 'free' of it's bad affection. But not us. Sometime when we hear adzan we still watching tv; we often online but seldom read Quran; we're familiar with pop songs but not Allah's verse. That's the bad deal of techno zone.

Basic of technology is science, and actually Islam's very encourage & pro to the science it self. About 104 times Allah spell 'knowledge' in Quran. One of them is in Al-Mujadalah: 11, with the translation:
"..and Allah will enhance people who faithfull among of you and people who has knowledge for several degree".
That's prooven that Islam so appreciate knowledge, and that lead to born many of moslem scientist with formidable influence internationally. Such as Al Khawarismi. The founding concept of Aljabar & Algoritma. The word Aljabar's taken from his book "Aljabr wal Muqobbala" means "Description & Solution". About algoritma, today used in informatics eng, for computer programming. The next scientist is Ibnu Sina, best known as Aviccena in west. He's amazing in medical research. Then, Ibnu Firnas. Perhap he's the first man ever fly, he's done his flight experiment long ago, thousand years long before Wright brother's did their. And there're other scientist like Albiruni, Alfarabi, Imam Al Ghazali, etc.
See, Islam's not that stupid actually.
Nevertheless, we must not affected to the bad influence of hightech lifestyle. Religion & worldly must balance n equal.

So, whatever our position is. Whether we're no longer schooling, we already get a job, or even marry. Don't ever forget to stay learning Islam deeper. Read the Hadits, Al Quran & the translation...I guess this so crucial, many people read Quran without the translation even they don't understand Arabic, so how could we know what Allah like to say??
We got to pay attention on something like this... to enrich our faith to ALLAH SWT.

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