July 14, 2009

A Heartbreaking Review

Now, it's time for me to review my study on last second semester. Although it tragically end. Not all of the test result has launch yet, but I've feeling my bad instinct after undergo that heartbreaking final semester test. No problem. Thankfull to Allah. Morover I've thousands
time apologize to family, nature and Allah of my shelfishness, lazyness and stupidness. Whether they hear me or not I don't know.

I wish I could memorize all the knowledge I got forever. Eight lessons on my list colouring my days last semester. I love several of them. They're petrology, geomorfology, structural geology, environment science, physycal chemistry, macropaleontology, mathematic 2, and physic 2.

Well, let's begin from petrology, the next step of crystallography & mineralogy. Encompass about rocks (petro) and it's occurence, whether igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. We're rock eater!
Understanding kinds of rocks really important, can be applied in many technical geoscience work. I'm trully bad in this case. I mean, what's rock about rock? Dirty hard thing from the ground..?just kidding. Better atracting crystal mineral than rock. Nevertheless I quite into carbonate rock, whose fosil on it. Economycally better. The lecture? I don't wanna talk about it.

Geomorphology. I learn geomorphology with spirit & eye-popping, seeing the lecture is so impressing, profesional and easy understanding. A doctor from university in Brunay. Geomorf concern on the earth relief & it's occurence, wich caused by exogenic & endogenic force. Earth's so shapely. Before, all I know the earth landform's just mountain and sea. Listen, have you ever heard about cuesta, bajada, butte and submarine fan? There are hundreds of other uniquely shaped earth morphology we'll know when studying this eyecatcing subject.

Structural geology. Learning 'bout earth structure & the developer force. This the most chalenging, imaginating and coolest lesson in 2nd semt packet. Geostruct asissts must be very smart. Everybody know it. Mr. Darno, the lecture, is my favourite lecture ever. He teach patiently, make sure everyone get what he say, although not all pay attention. I see in his eye a light of cleverness and high dedication. Hi's no doubt a good role model. I'm not that good in geostruct yet at least I love it a bunch. It focus on studying joint, fault, fold and unconformity. I used to hate them but not now.

Environmental science. Every work must pay attention on environmental affect. Quite important for such engineering student. During the class the situation not better than in the traditional market, yes, Mr. Wawan is tipycal 'not dangengeous' lecture. It's fine, his Japan education background could a little cover that susceptibility.

Physical chemistry (PC). Lesson about matery in solid, liquid, gas and the mixturing process between them. I'm not sure what exactly it about. After 6 month presence, I know NOTHING 'bout Physical Chemistry. I mean, really nothing, due to the super weird lecture. We didn't even got every sentence he said and even what's the topic of the day.

Macropaleontology. Dealling with thousands year death macroscopic creatures, this a jumping point to the next stage micropaleontology wich more economycally benefitable. All invertebrate fosil to be described here each week. The most disiplin lecture Mr. Kandar handle this subject and succeed to made me woke up earlier.

Mathemathic 2. Fascinating hyperactive lecture Mrs. Hanung didn't help anything easier, instead, it seems like watcing circus show in class. It's main topyc is indefinite integral. A hopeless subject.

Physics 2. I found it more complicated than 1st semester since it talk about electricity and capasitor, also magnet. Unfortunately, exact sciene today never as easy as what it was in senior high. Our head already fully loaded with stones!

Well, that's it. This busiest semester is over miserably messed up. Too much spoiling around and lack of hard working getting everything worse. If only I could turn back time....

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